Difundir o conhecimento sobre as varizes pélvicas e suas conexões é uma das nossas principais missões.
Fique por dentro do que acontece no mundo pélvico e fique à vontade para compartilhar também!
Faça parte da nossa comunidade
Desejamos difundir o conhecimento entre a comunidade médica, bem como para os pacientes que buscam solução/tratamento para a dor pélvica crônica.

PELVIC AWARENESS: What we ignore becomes invisible to our eyes
Venous hemodynamics and the multiple connections
of the pelvic region with the lower limbs, gluteal
area, abdomen and perineum have always intrigued
me. It’s unsettling to realize that the same symptoms
can correspond to different pathologies, while a
single pathology can present varied symptoms. Most
studies on pelvic venous disorders (PeVD), a term we
use due to the lack of a more precise definition, are
based on static images and histopathology.

Relationship Between Diameter and Pelvic Vein Reflux
Diameter has been a complementary measurement in the evaluation of venous valvular insufficiency of superficial veins of the lower extremity. Small veins with reflux or large veins without reflux may indicate alternative treatments. Awareness of pelvic vein reflux is increasing. The pelvic vein diameter-reflux relationship was investigated.

Desvendando o Sofrimento Oculto: Entendendo os Distúrbios Venosos Pélvicos
Explore the complex world of pelvic venous disorders with us – medical conditions that often linger in the shadows.
Pelvic venous disorders, particularly pelvic varicose veins, are frequently concealed beneath a veil of silence. Yet, they have the power to disrupt lives significantly. From chronic pelvic pain to the development of varicose veins in the lower abdomen, these disorders introduce an array of debilitating symptoms. Our mission is to shed light on the intricate nature of these conditions, allowing medical professionals to understand the underlying complexities better. It is imperative for medical practitioners to grasp the intricacies of these disorders to alleviate suffering and enhance patients’ quality of life.

A comprehensive ultrasound approach to lower limb varicose veins and abdominal-pelvic connections
Pelvic venous reflux may be responsible for pelvic venous disorders and/or lower-limb (LL) varicose veins. Ultrasound investigation with Doppler allows a complete study of the entire infra-diaphragmatic venous reservoir. The aim of this study was to guide and standardize the investigation of the pelvic origin of venous reflux in female patients with LL varicose veins.

Pelvic Leak Points: Ultrasound approach and anatomical correlation
Knowledge about perineal (P), inguinal (I), gluteal (G) and obturator (O) pelvic leak points (Figure 1) is essential for the therapeutic planning of varicose veins whose source of reflux originates in the pelvic venous territory. However, the identification of these leak points by ultrasound is not widespread. We aim to demonstrate the ultrasound evaluation of pelvic leak points associated with varicose veins of the lower limbs and to correlate with the study of cadavers for an accurate understanding of the communication between these two

“Insights” sobre dor pélvica crônica de origem venosa
A dor pélvica crônica é uma queixa clínica comum e corresponde a cerca de 15% das consultas ginecológicas, sendo que até 39% das mulheres apresentam este sintoma em algum momento de sua vida. Dentre as diversas causas de dor pélvica crônica, a endometriose se destaca pela alta prevalência, sendo a primeira causa de origem ginecológica. Outra patologia que merece nossa atenção é a síndrome de congestão pélvica (SCP), presente em cerca de 30% das mulheres como a única causa de dor pélvica crônica.

Certificado de honra ao mérito concedido pela Sociedade Americana de Radiologia.
(Trabalho apresentado no RSNA 2024 meeting em Chicago/USA)

Feature Two